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Become a Tabakfabrik pioneer

Moving into Tabakfabrik

Whether they are artists, arts managers, fashion designers, photographers or other creatives, or whether they work in media labs, PR consultancy or radio, the first pioneers who have taken up residence in Tabakfabrik share the goal of jointly fostering a new creative space – a place of opportunity and possibility. A place that sets trends not only for itself, but for the entire city. A positive ground zero.

So you and your association/group/company would like to become part of Tabakfabrik? Then please get in touch with us! We welcome all enquiries. Please note that we do reserve the right to assess whether your proposal is compatible with the Tabakfabrik guidelines and vision. We keep all enquiries from potential tenants on file, and guarantee that they will be carefully reviewed. Your initial enquiry makes it possible for us to assign the various spaces available to match our users’ needs.

So if you are interested in becoming a Tabakfabrik pioneer, please fill in the enquiry form below.

NB: All available space is currently rented out. For safety reasons, much of the floor space at Tabakfabrik Linz is unfortunately not able to be rented out at this present time. We are working flat out to fulfil all the mandatory safety and fire protection measures required. This means that we are currently keeping all rental enquiries on file, and will get in touch with all interested groups as soon as we are legally able to rent out new floor space.


Download the request form (German)

Space for Creativity, Education, Social Activity and Work

The Tabakfabrik building, which was completed in 1935, is regarded as one of the most consistent industrial buildings in central Europe. Peter Behrens and Alexander Popp felt committed to the workers – their architecture did not degrade the individual.

Four parts of the Tabakfabrik will be occupied by new pioneer tenants during the first phase. They already occupying useable rooms in Bau 2 and Bau 3, als well as a small part of Bau 1 and the depots. In the next development phase, additional rooms in Bau 1 and in the former depots, known today as the “East Block”, will be adapted and made ready for use. This includes, in particular, the heating and house technology area. Since the planning has just started, it is not yet possible to provide specific information about when the second round of users can move into the Tabakfabrik.

Bau 1 (Building 1)

© Michaela Rieß

Building 1, the cigarette production building, is the oldest part of the Tabakfabrik. It was constructed in 1936 and was the first large steel frame construction of such dimensions in Austria. In the 220m long, slightly curved aisle, cigarettes were made from cut fillers.

Photo: Michaela Rieß


Magazine (Depots)



Until 2001, raw tobacco was delivered by trains and trucks and stored in the depots that are called the “Ostblock” (“East Block”) today. The three train platforms and the corresponding warehouses were extended, enlarged and roofed until 1969, transforming them into an enormous raw material depot with elongated rooms. During the Second World War, only Depot 3 in the raw material warehouse was hit by an aerial bomb. All the other buildings were only slightly damaged during the war.

The East Block is protected as a historical monument up to the Depots A and B. However, the former raw material depots can still be used for many different purposes.


Photo: Steinbauer Architektur